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Inka Deep Awakenings

24 oktober 2019 - 09:30 tot 17:00

We are moving out from an age of darkness into an age of light. Our souls have been preparing for this journey for many lifetimes, but the transition isn’t always that easy, not only in our personal lives but also in the world around us.

How can we better understand this journey, and can we learn to directly access our multidimensional SELF so we can experience a state of guidance, peace, and joy in our daily lives?

In this workshop you will learn simple yet powerful practices from the Inka traditions designed to open doorways between the worlds and live in effortless union with the flow of life. You will also learn how to communicate with the ‘elemental’ aspect of your being so you can reconnect with the worlds of nature.

You will open your heart to a field of light in which you can walk this earth as awakened Being. Become aware of what mechanisms keep you imprisoned and learn how you heal the pain of separation and reconnect your heart with the web of all life. Experience how you move from victimhood into mastery, illusion into truth, darkness into light.


24 oktober 2019
09:30 tot 17:00


De Verbindende Factor
Wettenseind 4
Nuenen, 5674 AA Nederland



Aantal deelnemers:
in overleg max 15 - 20 deelnemers
Soep, koffie, thee, water, versnaperingen